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Quality Assurance and Quality Control services (QA / QC) by Masterscan are the most reliable and respected in the industry. We have skilled experts with years of QA/QC services experience. Our QA / QC services are tailor made for safe execution of complex projects and are always up to the mark in terms of owner/ investor satisfaction. 

MASTERSCAN has a rich quality assurance & quality control services experience spanning over multiple industries. Internationally experienced personnel are available to assist clients in numerous construction, oil & gas and marine sector supervision related activities.

Masterscan has an extensive network of QA/QC laboratories suited to ensure your interests are in compliance with all contractual specifications and quality standards, as well as meeting local and international regulations.

Our commitment to excellence, expertly trained personnel, and highly regarded reputation should instil confidence that masterscan is the right choice in achieving quality control and assurance to your products and facilities. We can support our clients with incidental subcontracting or full laboratory outsourcing and data integration.

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